Thursday, March 20, 2014

Brainstorming Lesson Plan Ideas for Differentiation

Summary of group’s discussion regarding strategy/tool each member is considering to address our topic:

Members from the language department gathered to brainstorm a lesson plan and classroom application.

Next year, we would like to develop a lesson plan that involves pre- and post activities to prepare our students for Concordia Language Village.  This idea does not fit into the PLC timeline.

Use a blog (or Prezzi)
  • We could do "post-Concordia" and have 8th graders give advice to 7th grade. 
    • Commands, Clothing, Past-tense
    • Challenges and Benefits 
  • We could do a classroom blog to encourage conversation in the target language
  • On-line journal
Our next meeting we plan to work with Matt to set up the blog and talk about digital citizenship.  If we have extra time, we will begin working on prompts.

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